Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jobs and Taxes

In The President's address to Congress, The Pep Rally, he said: "Over the next two years this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs."

Which is it? Save, or create? Most people would simply overlook this, but it is so important that you don't. It's a play on words. A Manipulation. The explanation is that in politics, every speech needs to be worded just right, or someone might call you on it. When the President says save or create 3.5 million jobs, which by the way he has said on several occasions, so it isn't a slip of the tongue, he wants you to hear the word create, so you will get pumped up, and feel good about what he is trying to do. He adds the words "Save or", so that when his plan fails to create jobs, he can fall back on the ones that haven't been lost yet because of his plan.

Several times, even during his campaign, the President promised to lower taxes on all but the top 2%. But if other taxes are raised, like the new 50 cents a gallon tax on gasoline for example, then the little tax decrease in your pay check will be more than wiped out.
TAXES aren't the solution, they are part of the problem.

The tax argument still stands between Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals believe that if you raise taxes on big Corporations, another example, there will be more funding for the programs they want to put or keep in play. That isn't stimulating the economy. It is adding extra burden.

The reality is, that Corporations don't actually pay taxes. They add it on to the prices paid by the consumer, or they lay people off. Conservatives believe that if you raise the Corporate tax, Corporations are forced to send more jobs overseas, to remain competitive, and of course, that means job losses here at home.

If we remove Politics and TAX from the debate, the next question is: "How do we create more jobs at home?" The Liberal answer is to raise taxes. If you don't have a job, then you can come to the Government for help. Sure, they will add lots of money to their Social programs, like Unemployment, Welfare, etc…, and they will get it from the taxes they raise. It's their way of saying thank you for putting them into power. The problem is, that more and more programs just like the ones I've mentioned, start to dominate how we survive, and less and less jobs are created. In layman's terms, we will need to rely on Government more and more, and that means our freedoms become less and less.

A lot of you might be saying, that that won't happen, so I give you a very small example. Two people I know collect Social Security Disability. The first of whom worked all his life, and then was injured and can no longer work. He collects seven hundred dollars a month. Can you, live on that? The second person never worked, and collects eight hundred and fifty six dollars a month. Yes, more than the one who worked.

Can you see the incentive? Why should you even try to go to work, when the Government will give you even more money than someone who did? Once we are completely reliant on Government however, then the Government can and will change all the rules on how much you get, and what you need to do to get it. That's when the Government rules, not the people. That's when our Constitution gets pushed aside, or destroyed altogether. An example of this is the proposed amendment to add a seat to the Senate, for Washington, D.C. This seat will only serve one purpose. To gain another Democrat in the Senate. D.C. is predominantly minority, and minorities favor Democratic, or Liberal programs. It only stands to reason, that a Republican or Conservative would never be elected there.

If you look closely at what is going on behind the scenes, and some may call this a conspiracy theory, you might be able to see the cumulative effects of the Manipulation.

It used to be such a slow, easy push that most Americans didn't bother to notice. But if you can't see the blatant display now, then you've got your head in the sand.

We are in the middle of an economic collapse. The reasons are arguable, and so is the fault. Get passed it. WE ARE ALREADY HERE! It's a problem that involves all Americans, Liberals and Conservatives and everyone in between. Jobs are dropping like flies, and the Liberals in power want to raise Corporate tax. The problem with this is, that Corporations will now need to send jobs overseas, causing major job losses here at home. We believe that if you want to create more jobs here at home, then leave the tax alone, and level the playing field. We need to place tariffs on products coming in from overseas. This would give incentives to companies to put more Americans to work. If it was an even swap, most American companies, would rather have Americans working. If they work, they spend, and then the magic happens. The economy actually grows, and we don't need to borrow money from the very countries we are competing with. It is a very simple solution as long as two things stay out of the argument.

If it seems like I started to repeat myself, you're right. I did. I wanted to show the problem with our political system. It just goes back and forth, and nothing ever gets accomplished.

The argument unfortunately is the TAX, but it shouldn't be. Raise taxes, Lower taxes. It's an impass in the fundamental way the left and right think, and because we will never see eye to eye on this issue, we should put it to the side and actually work on the problem. JOBS!

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