Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Undermining Our Security

And so it begins. President Obama's administration has started the foolish act of releasing memos from the previous administration. The idea that most 'Americans need to know this information', is not an old one. It's a political gimmick, favored by Liberals, and Democrats. It falls in line with the current administration's ideas of Transparency. They try to convince us that we need to know everything that happens behind the scenes, while trying to keep our country safe.

This doesn't mean I don't want to know about anything, but let's be real for a minute. If you're Son, Daughter, Mother or Father, or anyone that you are close to for that matter, was kidnapped, captured or threatened by terrorists, wouldn't you want our government to do whatever it took to keep them safe or get them back safely. Yeah, you would, and so would every Liberal out there, if it was someone they were close to. But, we don't need to know how they are brought back safe, only that they are. There are some gruesome things that happen during wars, but the Manipulation here, is that Liberals would have you believe that they would have their loved one die, rather than hurt a terrorist who might know where their loved one was.

When President Clinton reduced the CIA and the military, the result was an embassy bombing, bombing of The USS Cole, and the first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City. The Manipulation during the Clinton years was that the world was becoming a friendly place… We all need to get along…. We are one world….

When asked about why he didn't pursue finding Bin Laden, President Clinton said: "It was too much of a political Hot Potato". Of course you know the end result. Over three thousand people died on American soil when The World Trade Center was destroyed. and the Manipulation was that President George W. Bush deserved the blame.

President Bush didn't have the time to rebuild the intelligence network that President Clinton destroyed. He was only nine months into his Presidency, but it is quite evident, that if President Clinton wanted to protect our nation instead of his world ties, then that devastating date which is forever burned into our memories, may never have happened. Even though the Liberals and Democrats, and even some Republicans for that matter, would like to condemn President Bush for it, no one on the planet can say he didn't keep us safe for the rest of his Presidency.

Liberals and Democrats would have us believe that the world would be a better place if we just sat and talked to terrorist nations. A couple of Hollywood's representatives recently went to Iran to speak on behalf of America, and what they got in return is a slap in the face. Their President condemned Hollywood for making Iran look bad in movies, and wanted an apology. Did these actors actually think they were doing something important? Do they realize how lucky they are that they weren't beheaded?

I recently sat and watched a DVD that I had seen before titled "The Face of Evil – Reagan's War in Word & Deed", 2004. I highly recommend viewing this DVD to anyone and everyone, especially if you have difficulty believing in modern day evils. (Terrorists) You can get it through Netflix.

The reality is, that most Americans don't need to know about these newly released memos, just as they don't need to know about most of the things we need to keep secret. If they want to know about the economy, and things happening on our soil, then yes, open the books. But people don't need to be bogged down thinking about the gory details of war.

Do you see the Manipulation; the smoke and mirrors? Liberals will actually undermine the security of our nation, if it means getting votes. I've said it before, and undoubtedly will say it again. The Liberals and Democrats won the 2008 election, so they can stop campaigning. They need to get on with running the country.

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