Saturday, March 7, 2009

Advertising an Agenda

Have you seen ads in the paper, or on TV that a local store is having a big sale. Everything in the store is 50% off. You make sure you put that ad to the side, and when you are off on the weekend, you make plans to get there and shop around.

So you get there. The image in your head of big bargains has been implanted and you just know you are getting a good deal.

Then you look at the price for the item you want to buy. It doesn't seem like it is 50% less than you usually pay. In fact, the sale price is almost exactly, what you paid last week at the other store, but it must be a bargain because they said so. The full-page ad in the paper said so. You also saw the commercial on TV, or heard it on the radio over and over.

You were right when your brain told you it wasn't really a bargain. Advertisers are paid enormous sums of money, to produce ads that will lure you in, and the companies they are advertising pay it to bombard you until you believe and buy.

Psychology plays a huge role in advertising. That's why you see the same commercials on TV over and over and over. It's a form of brainwashing. The images get burned into your brain, so when you get to the store, you don't even think about it anymore. You take the item from the shelf, and place it in your cart. You don't even think about it because the idea now comes from your subconscious.

With these thoughts in mind, would it surprise you if you found out that our Government was using these same ideas on you?

During the Presidential campaign, then Senator Obama agreed to use public funding for his campaign, and then went against his agreement. Public funding for those who don't understand it, is a limited fund that each candidate gets from the Government, to run his campaign. The catch is, that the candidate can't use any other money that comes from donations. When Senator Obama broke his word, he gained access to boatloads of money, and that's when you saw ad after ad on TV. His face was plastered everywhere. You do not even realize the psychology that they used on us.

Each day since his inauguration, President Obama has been on either the radio, or TV. Psychology is still being used on us. We are constantly bombarded with ads about Clean Coal, or news clips of another speech the President made today. I have seen up to 3 separate speeches on TV, that the President made in one day. It is advertising in politics. They want us to believe it so that we will just follow the pied piper right over the cliff, without question.

I started this post with the 50% off sale, because I just want to mention the Federal Budget. In the little sale story I said: "In fact the sale price is almost exactly what you paid last week…". Now think about how President Obama said he wants to cut the deficit in half. If you raise the amount of the budget, just like in the sale story, then you claim to cut it in half, you end up with the same amount you started with.
Do you see the Manipulation? Do you see the psychology, in making us believe something we know to be false? They are going to continue to air these ads, until we Americans convert to their way of thinking. They are pushing the Socialist agenda. They are trying to get America so far into debt, and then they will swoop in to rescue us.

It's a game to our Elite elected officials, but it's not a game to us Americans. Don't believe the ads. Stand Strong. Stand Together.

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