Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Illegal Invasion

California is about to pass a law which would force companies that have over 100,000 square feet of business space, to build a shelter for Day Laborers to hang out in, while they wait for someone to hire them. Again it seems the Liberals in California are hard at work.

Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution says:

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

To make it easier for some of you reading this, I should explain that at the time the Constitution was written, the word Republican didn't have the meaning that most of us think about today.

A Republican Form of Government, as defined by Webster's Dictionary, is a Government having a Chief of State, who is not a monarch, and is usually a President, and a Government in which, supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law. That is the true meaning of Republican, even if the Left Wing Media would have you believe otherwise.

I bring up Article IV, because our country IS under invasion, every single day through our border states, and even though our Constitution guarantees those states protection, as well as protecting the rest of us, there is still little to no action.

When Ronald Reagan was President, a law was passed to build a fence to secure our borders, so this isn't just a recent problem. This has however been an escalating problem since that law was passed, and our elected officials use the illegal immigration problem to get elected every single election, and yet we now have some 20 million illegals or more, roaming our country. Among those illegal aliens are drug dealers, sex offenders, kidnappers, or criminals of just about any nature you can think of.

These criminals are infesting our border states, and even if apprehended for crimes on our soil, a good portion of them are released, but not forced to leave our country. This is unacceptable to our citizens, and it sheds undue bad light on Legal Immigrants, who want a chance at the American Dream.

Health Care is also a major issue attached to the illegal immigration problem. Costs are shooting through the roof, and the reason is, that for every illegal alien treated, the amount they owe is passed on to everyone else that has medical coverage. Why, you say? Because THEY CAN'T PAY, DON'T PAY, OR WON'T PAY. Any one of these might fit. Hospitals are closing because they can't provide services for nothing and remain in business.
If you are asking what happened to the guarantees of Article IV, or any Article for that matter, then you need to use the link to the right of this page for NumbersUSA, and tell your representative to BUILD THE FENCE, and DEFEND US FROM INVASION like we are promised in our Constitution.

You can also contact your representative directly, by looking them up on United States Congress then click on Represesntatives and the State you live in. You can find your State Senator at the following link. United States Senate

It's our country we call the shots, but everyone has to pitch in.

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