Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We've Lost Our Patience

I was just reading an article on Fox News Politics, about Timothy Geithner the head of the Treasury.

He had a closed door meeting with Congress, to ask them to be patient with our new President's response to our nation's financial crisis.

I'll just jump right in here. BE PATIENT? Are they kidding? Look at the Tote Board on the right of this page. The deficit is growing and growing, because of this administration's response. Jobs are dropping like flies, the stock market is collapsing out of fear of 'What Comes Next', and this administration and Congress for that matter, are giving away our country. They had the chance to do something right for the American People, like they always promise, and then they blew it. And even though the Republicans stuck together to block it, another Manipulation, they made sure there were plenty of earmarks in the Bill for them too.

While Ronald Reagan sat in the Oval Office, he cut government waste and spending, and our economy grew. It only takes simple addition and subtraction to figure it out, but again Politics trumps our necessities. That is what made Ronald Reagan such a great President. He believed that big government was the problem. He believed in the strength and resolve of the American People, and they loved him.

Politicians however, feared him. The people backed him, and he would always go right to them on the air, if Congress tried to stall him. He was doing good things, and by doing these good things, politicians lost their platforms to argue against him. Can you imagine a politician without a soapbox to stand on? Can you imagine a politician on the campaign trail, trying to run on the 'Issues', but having no issues to run on because it was already being taken care of? No, neither can I, and I'm not talking about Democrats here. I'm talking about Republicans. Democrats will always run a campaign opposite to them. Not all Republicans liked Ronald Reagan, because by doing good by the people, he stole their political thunder.

But back to Geithner's request to be patient. President Obama, along with Congress pushed for this spending bill fast and furious. So fast in fact, that it wasn't even written when it passed its votes. The dust hadn't even settled on that bill when the White House announced that it would be requesting more money. But now they want us to be patient, with such a young administration? Half of President Obama's administration are people who served in President Clinton's administration, so they know what's going on.
Politics (MANIPULATION) is what's going on. The push for power and the inevitable battle our Founding Fathers knew would happen. "We the People" have lost our patience.

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