Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nancy Pelosi, Friend of Foe

The United States Constitution – Article III Section 3 says:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article VI says in part:
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Well there it is. Grounds for impeaching Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House.

If you don't get it, I'll explain.

Here in the United States, we have laws on the books against illegal immigration. We can argue about them of course, but the law is the law. Even though we know that law is broken every single day, it still exists and until those laws are changed, our Representatives are to abide by them just like everyone else.

Nancy Pelosi is not above the law. She is giving aid and comfort to illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are Enemies of the United States, because they are invading our Country. If that isn't enough for you then how about her oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The Video tape that was just made public, shows Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, praising illegal aliens and condemning the immigration laws. She says that immigration raids are UN-AMERICAN. So obeying the laws of our land is un-American, and immigrating to America illegally is patriotic. Is she kidding? How backwards is that? Our laws are supported by the Constitution. Follow this link to watch the video. Pelosi Pandering Something we need to remember, is that The Speaker of the House would automatically become President, if something were to happen to both the President and Vice President.

She broke her oath to support the Constitution. She needs to be impeached.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Illegal Invasion

California is about to pass a law which would force companies that have over 100,000 square feet of business space, to build a shelter for Day Laborers to hang out in, while they wait for someone to hire them. Again it seems the Liberals in California are hard at work.

Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution says:

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

To make it easier for some of you reading this, I should explain that at the time the Constitution was written, the word Republican didn't have the meaning that most of us think about today.

A Republican Form of Government, as defined by Webster's Dictionary, is a Government having a Chief of State, who is not a monarch, and is usually a President, and a Government in which, supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law. That is the true meaning of Republican, even if the Left Wing Media would have you believe otherwise.

I bring up Article IV, because our country IS under invasion, every single day through our border states, and even though our Constitution guarantees those states protection, as well as protecting the rest of us, there is still little to no action.

When Ronald Reagan was President, a law was passed to build a fence to secure our borders, so this isn't just a recent problem. This has however been an escalating problem since that law was passed, and our elected officials use the illegal immigration problem to get elected every single election, and yet we now have some 20 million illegals or more, roaming our country. Among those illegal aliens are drug dealers, sex offenders, kidnappers, or criminals of just about any nature you can think of.

These criminals are infesting our border states, and even if apprehended for crimes on our soil, a good portion of them are released, but not forced to leave our country. This is unacceptable to our citizens, and it sheds undue bad light on Legal Immigrants, who want a chance at the American Dream.

Health Care is also a major issue attached to the illegal immigration problem. Costs are shooting through the roof, and the reason is, that for every illegal alien treated, the amount they owe is passed on to everyone else that has medical coverage. Why, you say? Because THEY CAN'T PAY, DON'T PAY, OR WON'T PAY. Any one of these might fit. Hospitals are closing because they can't provide services for nothing and remain in business.
If you are asking what happened to the guarantees of Article IV, or any Article for that matter, then you need to use the link to the right of this page for NumbersUSA, and tell your representative to BUILD THE FENCE, and DEFEND US FROM INVASION like we are promised in our Constitution.

You can also contact your representative directly, by looking them up on United States Congress then click on Represesntatives and the State you live in. You can find your State Senator at the following link. United States Senate

It's our country we call the shots, but everyone has to pitch in.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We've Lost Our Patience

I was just reading an article on Fox News Politics, about Timothy Geithner the head of the Treasury.

He had a closed door meeting with Congress, to ask them to be patient with our new President's response to our nation's financial crisis.

I'll just jump right in here. BE PATIENT? Are they kidding? Look at the Tote Board on the right of this page. The deficit is growing and growing, because of this administration's response. Jobs are dropping like flies, the stock market is collapsing out of fear of 'What Comes Next', and this administration and Congress for that matter, are giving away our country. They had the chance to do something right for the American People, like they always promise, and then they blew it. And even though the Republicans stuck together to block it, another Manipulation, they made sure there were plenty of earmarks in the Bill for them too.

While Ronald Reagan sat in the Oval Office, he cut government waste and spending, and our economy grew. It only takes simple addition and subtraction to figure it out, but again Politics trumps our necessities. That is what made Ronald Reagan such a great President. He believed that big government was the problem. He believed in the strength and resolve of the American People, and they loved him.

Politicians however, feared him. The people backed him, and he would always go right to them on the air, if Congress tried to stall him. He was doing good things, and by doing these good things, politicians lost their platforms to argue against him. Can you imagine a politician without a soapbox to stand on? Can you imagine a politician on the campaign trail, trying to run on the 'Issues', but having no issues to run on because it was already being taken care of? No, neither can I, and I'm not talking about Democrats here. I'm talking about Republicans. Democrats will always run a campaign opposite to them. Not all Republicans liked Ronald Reagan, because by doing good by the people, he stole their political thunder.

But back to Geithner's request to be patient. President Obama, along with Congress pushed for this spending bill fast and furious. So fast in fact, that it wasn't even written when it passed its votes. The dust hadn't even settled on that bill when the White House announced that it would be requesting more money. But now they want us to be patient, with such a young administration? Half of President Obama's administration are people who served in President Clinton's administration, so they know what's going on.
Politics (MANIPULATION) is what's going on. The push for power and the inevitable battle our Founding Fathers knew would happen. "We the People" have lost our patience.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Advertising an Agenda

Have you seen ads in the paper, or on TV that a local store is having a big sale. Everything in the store is 50% off. You make sure you put that ad to the side, and when you are off on the weekend, you make plans to get there and shop around.

So you get there. The image in your head of big bargains has been implanted and you just know you are getting a good deal.

Then you look at the price for the item you want to buy. It doesn't seem like it is 50% less than you usually pay. In fact, the sale price is almost exactly, what you paid last week at the other store, but it must be a bargain because they said so. The full-page ad in the paper said so. You also saw the commercial on TV, or heard it on the radio over and over.

You were right when your brain told you it wasn't really a bargain. Advertisers are paid enormous sums of money, to produce ads that will lure you in, and the companies they are advertising pay it to bombard you until you believe and buy.

Psychology plays a huge role in advertising. That's why you see the same commercials on TV over and over and over. It's a form of brainwashing. The images get burned into your brain, so when you get to the store, you don't even think about it anymore. You take the item from the shelf, and place it in your cart. You don't even think about it because the idea now comes from your subconscious.

With these thoughts in mind, would it surprise you if you found out that our Government was using these same ideas on you?

During the Presidential campaign, then Senator Obama agreed to use public funding for his campaign, and then went against his agreement. Public funding for those who don't understand it, is a limited fund that each candidate gets from the Government, to run his campaign. The catch is, that the candidate can't use any other money that comes from donations. When Senator Obama broke his word, he gained access to boatloads of money, and that's when you saw ad after ad on TV. His face was plastered everywhere. You do not even realize the psychology that they used on us.

Each day since his inauguration, President Obama has been on either the radio, or TV. Psychology is still being used on us. We are constantly bombarded with ads about Clean Coal, or news clips of another speech the President made today. I have seen up to 3 separate speeches on TV, that the President made in one day. It is advertising in politics. They want us to believe it so that we will just follow the pied piper right over the cliff, without question.

I started this post with the 50% off sale, because I just want to mention the Federal Budget. In the little sale story I said: "In fact the sale price is almost exactly what you paid last week…". Now think about how President Obama said he wants to cut the deficit in half. If you raise the amount of the budget, just like in the sale story, then you claim to cut it in half, you end up with the same amount you started with.
Do you see the Manipulation? Do you see the psychology, in making us believe something we know to be false? They are going to continue to air these ads, until we Americans convert to their way of thinking. They are pushing the Socialist agenda. They are trying to get America so far into debt, and then they will swoop in to rescue us.

It's a game to our Elite elected officials, but it's not a game to us Americans. Don't believe the ads. Stand Strong. Stand Together.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Undermining Our Security

And so it begins. President Obama's administration has started the foolish act of releasing memos from the previous administration. The idea that most 'Americans need to know this information', is not an old one. It's a political gimmick, favored by Liberals, and Democrats. It falls in line with the current administration's ideas of Transparency. They try to convince us that we need to know everything that happens behind the scenes, while trying to keep our country safe.

This doesn't mean I don't want to know about anything, but let's be real for a minute. If you're Son, Daughter, Mother or Father, or anyone that you are close to for that matter, was kidnapped, captured or threatened by terrorists, wouldn't you want our government to do whatever it took to keep them safe or get them back safely. Yeah, you would, and so would every Liberal out there, if it was someone they were close to. But, we don't need to know how they are brought back safe, only that they are. There are some gruesome things that happen during wars, but the Manipulation here, is that Liberals would have you believe that they would have their loved one die, rather than hurt a terrorist who might know where their loved one was.

When President Clinton reduced the CIA and the military, the result was an embassy bombing, bombing of The USS Cole, and the first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City. The Manipulation during the Clinton years was that the world was becoming a friendly place… We all need to get along…. We are one world….

When asked about why he didn't pursue finding Bin Laden, President Clinton said: "It was too much of a political Hot Potato". Of course you know the end result. Over three thousand people died on American soil when The World Trade Center was destroyed. and the Manipulation was that President George W. Bush deserved the blame.

President Bush didn't have the time to rebuild the intelligence network that President Clinton destroyed. He was only nine months into his Presidency, but it is quite evident, that if President Clinton wanted to protect our nation instead of his world ties, then that devastating date which is forever burned into our memories, may never have happened. Even though the Liberals and Democrats, and even some Republicans for that matter, would like to condemn President Bush for it, no one on the planet can say he didn't keep us safe for the rest of his Presidency.

Liberals and Democrats would have us believe that the world would be a better place if we just sat and talked to terrorist nations. A couple of Hollywood's representatives recently went to Iran to speak on behalf of America, and what they got in return is a slap in the face. Their President condemned Hollywood for making Iran look bad in movies, and wanted an apology. Did these actors actually think they were doing something important? Do they realize how lucky they are that they weren't beheaded?

I recently sat and watched a DVD that I had seen before titled "The Face of Evil – Reagan's War in Word & Deed", 2004. I highly recommend viewing this DVD to anyone and everyone, especially if you have difficulty believing in modern day evils. (Terrorists) You can get it through Netflix.

The reality is, that most Americans don't need to know about these newly released memos, just as they don't need to know about most of the things we need to keep secret. If they want to know about the economy, and things happening on our soil, then yes, open the books. But people don't need to be bogged down thinking about the gory details of war.

Do you see the Manipulation; the smoke and mirrors? Liberals will actually undermine the security of our nation, if it means getting votes. I've said it before, and undoubtedly will say it again. The Liberals and Democrats won the 2008 election, so they can stop campaigning. They need to get on with running the country.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jobs and Taxes

In The President's address to Congress, The Pep Rally, he said: "Over the next two years this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs."

Which is it? Save, or create? Most people would simply overlook this, but it is so important that you don't. It's a play on words. A Manipulation. The explanation is that in politics, every speech needs to be worded just right, or someone might call you on it. When the President says save or create 3.5 million jobs, which by the way he has said on several occasions, so it isn't a slip of the tongue, he wants you to hear the word create, so you will get pumped up, and feel good about what he is trying to do. He adds the words "Save or", so that when his plan fails to create jobs, he can fall back on the ones that haven't been lost yet because of his plan.

Several times, even during his campaign, the President promised to lower taxes on all but the top 2%. But if other taxes are raised, like the new 50 cents a gallon tax on gasoline for example, then the little tax decrease in your pay check will be more than wiped out.
TAXES aren't the solution, they are part of the problem.

The tax argument still stands between Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals believe that if you raise taxes on big Corporations, another example, there will be more funding for the programs they want to put or keep in play. That isn't stimulating the economy. It is adding extra burden.

The reality is, that Corporations don't actually pay taxes. They add it on to the prices paid by the consumer, or they lay people off. Conservatives believe that if you raise the Corporate tax, Corporations are forced to send more jobs overseas, to remain competitive, and of course, that means job losses here at home.

If we remove Politics and TAX from the debate, the next question is: "How do we create more jobs at home?" The Liberal answer is to raise taxes. If you don't have a job, then you can come to the Government for help. Sure, they will add lots of money to their Social programs, like Unemployment, Welfare, etc…, and they will get it from the taxes they raise. It's their way of saying thank you for putting them into power. The problem is, that more and more programs just like the ones I've mentioned, start to dominate how we survive, and less and less jobs are created. In layman's terms, we will need to rely on Government more and more, and that means our freedoms become less and less.

A lot of you might be saying, that that won't happen, so I give you a very small example. Two people I know collect Social Security Disability. The first of whom worked all his life, and then was injured and can no longer work. He collects seven hundred dollars a month. Can you, live on that? The second person never worked, and collects eight hundred and fifty six dollars a month. Yes, more than the one who worked.

Can you see the incentive? Why should you even try to go to work, when the Government will give you even more money than someone who did? Once we are completely reliant on Government however, then the Government can and will change all the rules on how much you get, and what you need to do to get it. That's when the Government rules, not the people. That's when our Constitution gets pushed aside, or destroyed altogether. An example of this is the proposed amendment to add a seat to the Senate, for Washington, D.C. This seat will only serve one purpose. To gain another Democrat in the Senate. D.C. is predominantly minority, and minorities favor Democratic, or Liberal programs. It only stands to reason, that a Republican or Conservative would never be elected there.

If you look closely at what is going on behind the scenes, and some may call this a conspiracy theory, you might be able to see the cumulative effects of the Manipulation.

It used to be such a slow, easy push that most Americans didn't bother to notice. But if you can't see the blatant display now, then you've got your head in the sand.

We are in the middle of an economic collapse. The reasons are arguable, and so is the fault. Get passed it. WE ARE ALREADY HERE! It's a problem that involves all Americans, Liberals and Conservatives and everyone in between. Jobs are dropping like flies, and the Liberals in power want to raise Corporate tax. The problem with this is, that Corporations will now need to send jobs overseas, causing major job losses here at home. We believe that if you want to create more jobs here at home, then leave the tax alone, and level the playing field. We need to place tariffs on products coming in from overseas. This would give incentives to companies to put more Americans to work. If it was an even swap, most American companies, would rather have Americans working. If they work, they spend, and then the magic happens. The economy actually grows, and we don't need to borrow money from the very countries we are competing with. It is a very simple solution as long as two things stay out of the argument.

If it seems like I started to repeat myself, you're right. I did. I wanted to show the problem with our political system. It just goes back and forth, and nothing ever gets accomplished.

The argument unfortunately is the TAX, but it shouldn't be. Raise taxes, Lower taxes. It's an impass in the fundamental way the left and right think, and because we will never see eye to eye on this issue, we should put it to the side and actually work on the problem. JOBS!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Congressional Pep Rally

There were a few things the President mentioned, in his Pep Rally for Congress on Tuesday, February 24, 2009, that need to be brought up. First up, the President said: "I'm proud that we passed the recovery plan free of earmarks, and I want to pass a budget next year that ensures that each dollar we spend reflects only our most important national priorities." For anyone that didn't watch the speech, I must say it was so beautifully delivered. The President really can read out-loud, quite well.
BUT according to The Merriam Webster Dictionary, an earmark is a distinguishing mark; or means: to designate for a specific purpose. Why would Congress pass a bill of this magnitude that has no specific purpose? No that's not it. I've heard that the bill actually has nine thousand earmarks, so misdirection or better known as politics is Manipulating you. From both sides of the Isle. Yeah, Republicans too.

Next up from the Pep Rally, the President spoke about education. Of course, I agree there are other nations whose education systems are superior to ours.

But didn't our last President start a program called No Child Left Behind? And didn't congress pull the funding for it? So now it's Ok again I guess, to educate, as long as it is a program created by Democrats. Do you see the politics, in the Manipulation?

Or how about this; The President asked "…that every American commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training." Are we supposed to do that with the 13 extra dollars we'll get each week, from his tax cuts? No, the President added "…that if you are willing to volunteer in your neighborhood, or give back to your community or serve your country, then we will make sure that you can afford a higher education."

Another play on words? No, Another Manipulation. We will make sure you can afford a higher education, still means you're going to pay for it.

My thought for today is that the President's handlers, and writers need to get The President off the campaign trail, and back into the oval office.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello and welcome. With this blog, we hope to enlighten all who read it and spread the word, on what is happening to our great nation, and put an end to The Manipulation of America. There are many different blogs out there, all trying to give their opinions and points of view on any given subject, so it is our hope to provide good useful information without sounding like rant. Of course, that isn't saying that we won't ever display excited discourse.

We are Conservative Citizens of these United States of America, and we proudly say "One Nation, Under God" when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Just as our first President, George Washington acknowledged the Almighty Being we call God in his inaugural address, we too will do so. If you hope to change that, then you've come to the wrong place.

It should be noted that although contrary to popular belief, most Conservatives aren't fascists. It is not our intent to attack Liberals and Democrats out of hate. We will however point out differences between Liberals and Conservatives, and point out when "ANYONE" strays from the principals on which we were founded. The Constitution is the Law.

Remember that on Fridays we'll open up the comment link, so check back with us.